


Christiaan Gerhardus Ebersöhn








Jesus arose from the tomb …

on the First Day of the week?








10 05 14



















































































Jesus arose from the tomb on the First Day of the week?

by Christiaan Gerhardus Ebersöhn





10 05 14 





































Jesus arose from the tomb on the First Day of the week?





<<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week, while it was yet dark.......not during the fullness of the Sabbath day.>>>

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“gave Jesus them Rest, a Sabbath Day’s Rest for keeping remains valid for the People of God”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“God THUS CONCERNING the Seventh Day spake: And God the day The Seventh Day from all his works RESTED”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>>


“Let no one condemn you for feast OF SABBATHS CHRIST BEING THE SUBSTANCE”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“the Son of Man is Lord of the SABBATH”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week, while it was yet dark>>> 


Mary saw “the stone away from the tomb” AND JESUS WAS RISEN AND NOWHERE TO BE SEEN THERE OR THEN???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“on the First Day of the week while it was yet EARLY dark” first thing after the Sabbath, Mary saw the stone away from the tomb AND JESUS, RISEN AND NOWHERE TO BE SEEN THERE OR THEN!

And listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“Does not [God] on the SABBATH loose his ox [-Suffering Servant] or his ass from the stall [-grave] and lead Him away to watering [into Life and Glory]?....And will not [God] pull his ass or ox [-Suffering Servant] FALLEN INTO PIT [death and grave] RAISE HIM OUT ON THE SABBATH DAY”? 

And listen to this again: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“healed He every sickness ON THE SABBATH”; “healed He every SICK ONE ON THE SABBATH”? 

And listen to this: : <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


“ON THE SABBATH they brought out the King’s Son and PUT UPON HIM THE CROWN AND MADE HIM KING….and they came THROUGH THE HIGH GATE unto the King’s House and SET THE KING UPON THE THRONE OF THE KINGDOM”???

Listen to this:: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> 


"The Jews sought to slay Him because He had done these (wonders and healings) ON THE SABBATH—but Jesus answered them, My Father WORKETH HITHERTO AND I WORK HITHERTO”???

STILL Scripture is LACKING for this:

<<<Jesus arose from the tomb on the first day of the week>>> and FOREVER will lack for NEVER was it “thus written…OF THE CHRIST”.



'The Lord's Day in the Covenant of Grace' 

http://www.biblestudents.co.za/books/Book%201,%201%20Passover%20to%20Crucifixion.pdf  page 241

Kenneh F. Doig quotes J. Neusner, Money-Changers in the Temple: The Mishnah’s Explanation, NTS 35, 1998, as saying,

Q~The negative is that the atonement for sin achieved by the daily whole offering is null, and the positive, that atonement for sin is achieved by the Eucharist : one table is overturned, another table set up in place, and both for the same purpose of atonement and expiation of sin.” It amounts to this: That the Passover sacrifice did not atone for sins, neither in fact the daily sacrifice, but that sin is expiated by the Eucharist through transubstantiation of Jesus “ Himself” into the “bread” and “wine” of “the Last Supper or Eucharist”. Although the Passover sacrifice was in fact slaughtered on 14 Nisan, Jesus did not die as the Passover Lamb for to atone for sins. 

He was crucified the next day Nisan 15 as the “final”, “daily” sacrifice – which ended in “70 CE”. By the true sacrifice for sin, the Eucharist or Mass, He atones for sin even today.~Q

Dear fellow Protestant believer, is the scarlet harlot your mother Church and the false prophet your Word of God? Then celebrate with her your Good Fridays and Easter Sundays! Or obey the Word of God that proclaims Christ our Passover lamb for the forgiveness of sin, “By which also you are saved, if you keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain … how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures (on 14 Nisan) and that He was buried (according to the Scriptures “the next day” on 15 Nisan) and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures (on 16 Nisan, “the day after the (Passover) Sabbath” “the First Fruit from the dead”). 



What is the point of spamming this forum by a "copy and paste" from another website? Not only is it annoying, but 99.9% of it is gibberish, obviously the product of an internet auto translation.



A lot of redundancy, lack of organization, and based on tradition not archaeology.



Different temperatures from the same barley brew different beers. 

I stand in wonder at the cross-cultivars of weed which overnight sprout from freshly cultivated apologetic land. 

Dormant friendships and brotherhood wait in the dark for light to form.



I rest my case...



What is your, <case> -- if I may ask? Another cultivar evolved from every variety but the Scripture-variety? 

All one hears about is NASA nasal sounds of scorn at every word taken from the Bible or uttered by the LORD. 

A simple, literal, unambiguous BIBLE passover of "THREE DAYS THICK DARKNESS" OF "THE PLAGUE

(that) WAS UPON HIM" is all that is needed. 

God rested his <case> in Christ who "the third day rose from the dead ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES" -- and hence "therefore for the People of God REMAINS RESTING THE SABBATH." FINIS.



(...do I hear the sounds of cunching....)



What is <<cunching>>? I hear the sound of crunching dry skull jaw bones stripped of all the gold fillings.



What are "NASA nasal sounds"?



Soft 'crunching'....a dragon sound!



This is really a wierd thread - seems like everyone has spent too much time at certain Colorado recreational outlets.

As far as I'm concerned, who cares what day of the week Christ rose from the dead? The spiriual bottom line (if you're a Bible believer) is that He did rise from the dead; and because of that, we have access to eternal life through Him. It's kinda like Christmas - who cares what day it actually happened? It did happen; and all I care about is the results.



I did not enhale......just saying.....



I did.



My problem is that I never exhaled.



Who cares what day God rested from all his works “in the Sabbath”? Why did God even bother to mention! As far as every one who counts, is concerned, He rose from the dead on Sunday! That’s all that counts. Who cares they are taken for a ride? As long as the company is respected. 

I can’t care less that Christ rose from the dead “In the Sabbath”! Who cares?! Who is God?! Who cares! The spiritual bottom line is am I in?! 

The true bottom line is everyone professes he is <a Bible believer> because it is the in-thing. It is the popular thing He did rise from the dead on Sunday; very smart! And because of that, we are welcome at private holy congregations of the conspirators against Truth and Scripture. 

O yes, to be ‘in’ you must have <eternal life through Him>; it’s respectable to be ‘Christian’. It's kinda like Christmas - who cares what day or whatever happened? All I care about is the results. All I care about is be counted.



The archaeological and linguistic evidence is that different Jewish groups had some different dating of the months around the holydays by how they reckoned time. The evidence is that Jesus' last supper Passover was the Essene Passover on the day that the Essenes would have said was the 14 Nisan, which would have been the day after the Feast at Simon's house and 4 days before the Temple said was the 14 of Nisan, which would have been that Friday. After a brief inquiry before the Sanhedrin, Jesus would have spent Wednesday, according to the law, in prison at the high priest's home. Thursday would have been the day of the different trials and Friday, 14 Nisan according to the Temple and 17 Nisan according to the Essenes, on the cross. Rested the Sabbath, and raised on the feasts of the first fruits. While someone here was arguing against this time, at the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies of Hebrew University, and other archaeological lectures I've attended, was celebrated by the Jews (and before them the Canaanites) on the first day of the week (Sunday) after Passover, early in the morning while it was still dark just before sunrise. For the Jews this was an offering for hopes of a good harvest and after the feast that first day of the week started a busy week in the agricultural cycle.

So Jesus had the last supper on Tuesday night when the Essenes were having their Passover. He died when the Temple was having it's Passover, rested the Sabbath and rose early Sunday morning as the Priests were having the feast of first fruits at the temple before the farmers went out to start work Sunday morning.



That Tuesday night was full moon, March 27, 31 AD and Passover is a full moon feast. Christ through Whom God made the worlds can NEVER lose track of when full moon was to occur that paschal week. A day ahead of the Jewish national celebration, He ate Passover with His disciples on that night the moon was full, was arrested that same night, and crucified the daytime that came, Wednesday, March 28, 31 AD, the prosabbaton (Mk 15:42) of the ceremonial Passover Sabbath of the Jews.

After 3 days and 3 nights, as He Himself specified in Mt 12:40, He rose from the grave early morning Saturday, March 31, 31 AD.



....and Scripture is meaningless and non-existing anyway....according to these our wise guides. 

According to you brilliant scholars above, the Scriptures are a <<spam>> menace to your preconceived ideas based on exclusively NON-Scriptural <evidence> so proud to be of! 

Are you Seventh-day Adventists? I don’t believe it!

EVERYTHING that you say, Samie, is based on one ERRONEOUS PRESUPPOSITION, namely, that "three days and three nights" mean three days and three nights DEAD IN THE GRAVE. 


If it is LITERALNESS you insist on, then it is literalness you must abide by IN EVERY DETAIL!

And literally—according to YOU—the body had been BURIED the moment the sun had set and the first NIGHT had begun….which immediately would be opposite the literal text which has the “days” first and the “nights” last.

It would also be confusing, had having been DEAD, been having been BURIED (for “three days and three nights”). 

But Jesus prophesied that He would be “in the heart of the earth LIKE Jonas” (who was never dead) from that He began to SUFFER DEATH until He would CONQUER DEATH. Jesus began to suffer death ALIVE a full day of one night and one day before He—according to you—was closed in the grave. So you make Jesus “be in the heart of the earth” for FOUR days and FOUR nights, contradicting the Scriptures everywhere, New and Old Testaments. 

It is with THIS ERRONEOUS suppostition of YOURS, that you falsify the truth, here,

<<<….for Him to have eaten Passover on a full moon night and then resurrect Sunday before sunrise, He would have eaten Passover Wednesday night which MUST be a full moon, be arrested that same night, crucified Thursday, and after 3 days and 3 nights, resurrect Sunday morning.>>> 

The TRUTH is, for Jesus to have resurrected “on the third day” of the “three days and three nights” “ON THE SABBATH”—as it is written in Matthew 28:1 HE DID—, He would have eaten Passover Wednesday night, be arrested that same night, crucified that same day, ‘Thursday’. 

But convoluting Jesus’ having been “in the heart of the earth three days and three nights” with all your other misconceptions, you create your own grotesque caricature of preconceived contorted misrepresentations of the truth. 



Scriptures must hold sway over and above extra-biblical sources. And using the Bible, it is impossible to prove the Lord resurrected Sunday.

Scriptures delineate that Passover is a full moon festival, and the Lord Who said He came to fulfill the law (which obviously includes the law on when to eat Passover), will NEVER eat Passover on a NON-full moon night. 

So, for Him to have eaten Passover on a full moon night and then resurrect Sunday before sunrise, He would have eaten Passover Wednesday night which MUST be a full moon, be arrested that same night, crucified Thursday, and after 3 days and 3 nights, resurrect Sunday morning.

But in the reign of Pilate from 26 AD to 36 AD, the only Wednesday full moon occurred on April 9, 27 AD. But Christ could NOT have been crucified on the year on which many think He was baptized.

Therefore, Christ could NOT possibly have eaten Passover Wednesday night, NOR have risen from the tomb Sunday.



Yes he could have, but he didn't. It says he rose early in the morning. That would be saying to me, when the day was approaching or the Sun was coming up. As far as the Jewish day! It was the way God intended the days as we see in Genesis during creation. Evening and morning, evening and morning, etc.! Meaning to me when the sun went down it started the next day, starting with night time first and than the day time second.



Q~Could Christ have risen on Saturday night? (Early in the first day in Jewish timekeeping)~Q

Not quite. The Lord resurrected early Saturday morning. He ate Passover on a full moon night, Tuesday, March 27, 31 AD; was arrested that same night, crucified daytime Wednesday, and after 3 days and 3 nights as He Himself specified, rose from the grave early morning before sunrise, Saturday, March 31, 31 AD.



Nothing than extra and super and counter Biblical surmising and arrogation! 



Unless you are able to DISPROVE the facts presented, my brother, which you have before tried but failed. Wanna try again? Your move...



<<my brother>>....don't be so false!


Samie, I cannot find the post where Geoarrge posted, Q~Could Christ have risen on Saturday night? (Early in the first day in Jewish timekeeping) ~Q

 [quote=Samie][quote=Geoarrge]Could Christ have risen on Saturday night? (Early in the first day in Jewish timekeeping) [/quote]Not quite. The Lord resurrected early Saturday morning. He ate Passover on a full moon night, Tuesday, March 27, 31 AD; was arrested that same night, crucified daytime Wednesday, and after 3 days and 3 nights as He Himself specified, rose from the grave early morning before sunrise, Saturday, March 31, 31 AD. [/quote]

Can you explain, Samie, why I cannot find Geoarrge’s post?

So, <<Could Christ have risen on Saturday night?>>

If the Old Testament FORETOLD that Christ would rise from the dead <on Saturday night>, He would.

But from "the Sabbath was made for man"—meaning for the benefit to God to "finish all the works of God" unto the good and salvation of man—, UNTIL "by the ALL-EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER WHICH HE WROUGHT IN CHRIST", God, "once for all", "ON THE SEVENTH DAY FINISHED", and, "ON THE SEVENTH DAY : RESTED" : "HAVING RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD" Christ could not have raised <on Saturday night>. 

In other words, right from the beginning the Bible FORETOLD—"and God", in the Bible, "SPOKE : thus concerning the SEVENTH DAY" --- not concerning <<on Saturday night>> which would be on the First Day of the week in any case. 

<<Could Christ have risen on Saturday night? (Early in the first day in Jewish timekeeping)>>?

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb Saturday night on the first day of the week>>> 


“a Sabbath Day’s Rest for keeping remains valid for the People of God”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


“God THUS CONCERNING the Seventh Day spake: And God the day The Seventh Day from all his works RESTED”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>>


“Let no one condemn you for feast OF SABBATHS CHRIST BEING THE SUBSTANCE”???

Listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


“THE Son of Man is Lord of the SABBATH”???

BUT LISTEN TO THIS: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week, while it was yet dark>>> 


Mary saw “the stone away from the tomb” AND JESUS RISEN AND NOWHERE TO BE SEEN THERE OR THEN???

BUT LISTEN TO THE TRUTH HERE: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


on the First Day of the week while it was yet EARLY dark” first thing after the Sabbath, Mary saw the stone away from the tomb AND JESUS RISEN AND NOWHERE TO BE SEEN THERE OR THEN???

And listen to this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


“Does not [God] on the SABBATH loose his ox [Suffering Servant] or his ass from the stall [grave] and lead Him away to watering [into Life and Glory]?....And will not [God] pull his ass or ox [Suffering Servant] FALLEN INTO PIT [death and grave] RAISE HIM OUT ON THE SABBATH DAY”? 

And listen to this again: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


“healed He every sickness ON THE SABBATH”; “healed He every SICK ONE ON THE SABBATH”? 

And listen to this: : <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


“ON THE SABBATH they brought out the King’s Son and PUT UPON HIM THE CROWN AND MADE HIM KING….and they came THROUGH THE HIGH GATE unto the King’s House and SET THE KING UPON THE THRONE OF THE KINGDOM”???

Listen to this:: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> 


"The Jews sought to slay Him because He had done these (wonders and healings) ON THE SABBATH—but Jesus answered them, My Father WORKETH HITHERTO AND I WORK HITHERTO”???

STILL Scripture is LACKING for this: <<<Jesus arose from the tomb on Saturday night the first day of the week>>> and FOREVER will lack for NEVER was it “thus written…OF THE CHRIST”.



All of the Gospels confirm that Jesus was already out and about -- "Not here" according to the angel -- when the women looked for Him before dawn at the first day. So, there is nothing specifically unscriptural about the idea that the resurrection may have occurred much earlier in the night.



There are three main factors which prove your theory wrong.

The first is the above PROPHETIC eschatological IMPERATIVE Jesus would rise on the Sabbath OF THE LORD GOD.

Next is historical FULFILMENT OF THE PROPHECIES, John 20:1 mentioning the first sight of the STONE ROLLED AWAY from the grave “being yet EARLY OF DARK” which is dusk of the evening after sunset before complete darkness—‘prohï skotias eti ousehs’.
....which <<<confirms that Jesus was _already_ out and about -- "Not here" according to the angel>>> directly after the Sabbath. 

Third is the literal description of the events and circumstances that accompanied Jesus’ Resurrection “Late in the Sabbath” as such, Matthew 28:1. 

Then there are OTHER facts which confirm Jesus would rise, “on the Sabbath Day before the First Day of the week”, “while it is the third day”—‘heohs tehs tritehs hehmeras’, Matthew 28:64 

….and still other facts BASED on the fact that He rose from the dead “on the Sabbath” like Hebrews 4:4 and 8,9,10

….and still others as in above post, http://clubadventist.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/694245.html#Post694245

And of course there are the "three days" - sequential chronology; 

and the sequential chronology of the 'Last Week' or 'Passion Week' entered upon on 'Palm Sunday' in the year of Jesus' death and resurrection John 12:1,12 et al. 

Then of course there is the ABSENCE OF ANYTHING WHATSOEVER which might, would, or do indicate that Jesus rose from the dead on the First Day of the week.

Re: <<<It says he rose early in the morning. That would be saying to me, when the day was approaching or the Sun was coming up.>>>

<<It>>—the Scriptures—do NOT say <<he rose early in the morning>>, or, <<when the day was approaching or the Sun was coming up>>.

Quote it!

You can’t—it does not exist. 

But give you credit where it is due! It is correct, <<It was the way God intended the days as we see in Genesis during creation. Evening and morning>>—the Seventh Day ALSO!

So why exclude that in Genesis 3:8—directly after the history of the Sixth Day whereon Adam and Eve were created—, why exclude where it is written “thus concerning the Seventh Day”, “In the cool of the day….”, meaning when the sun had gone down and the next day had started, <<starting with night time first and then the day time second>>?? [<<day time>> of the Seventh Day understood in Genesis 3:24.] 



Mark 16:9 New International Version
When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons.



GOOD! EXACTLY! Now read your OLD 'KJV' Naomi, and please post the two 'translations' for us next to each other, here, please?

Mark 16:9


16:1, "After the Sabbath". Mark did not record what happened during the past Sabbath Day. He also did not record that the two Marys after Joseph had closed the grave, "returned home", "by the time of the Jews' preparations" (John 19:42), "and prepared spices and sweet ointments" after "mid-afternoon towards the Sabbath that day the Preparation" ('Friday'), before they "started to rest the Sabbath". Luke 23:54-56. 

“So, when the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James [“and Joses” viz. 15:47 and Matthew 27:56—“the other Mary” in Matthew 28:1] AND SALOME”, after sunset during dusk or “being early of dark still” [John 20:1], bought spices that when they would go, they might anoint Him.

“And very early on the First Day of the week came they over against the east facing sepulchre. Seeing the stone they say to themselves, Who will role the stone away for us, out of the door of the tomb, up and back?! And again looking attentively, it struck them how unbelievably large it was! Now on actually entering into the tomb, they saw a young man [messenger] sitting, on the right side, clothed in a white garment. They were greatly frightened! 

“But he told them, Don’t be afraid! You are looking for the Nazarene Jesus the crucified; He was raised! He is not here! Look here, the place where they put Him! Certainly you must leave now and go tell his disciples – particularly Peter – that He goes before you to Galilee where you will see Him as He told you! 

“They immediately went out and fled from the tomb trembling and bewildered. And to no one told they anything because they were afraid! 

Jesus doing “as He told his disciples” …

“So He [“the crucified Nazarene, Jesus”] early* on the First Day of the week appeared to Mary Magdalene, THE RISEN ONE***, first**.”

* “Early appeared” when the sun was up and a gardener would start work in his garden John 20:11-17.
** “First” of all and “first” before He “late that day” “as the Risen One”, “alive” Luke 24:23, would “meet up with the disciples” on their way to Emmaus. [Emmaus in Galilee?]
*** “The Risen” / “as The Risen” / “risen” / “raised” / “resurrected” ---all the same because ‘anastas’ is a PARTICIPLE – NO Verb! ‘Anastas’ is both Adjectival and Adverbial describing HOW Jesus, appeared. It is NO ‘do-word’, telling Jesus ‘rose’ or ‘was raised’ like ALL FRAUDULENT ‘versions’ do. 


Mark 16:9

"Anastas de proi prote sabbatou" = "Having risen early morning of the chief sabbath"

Jesus resurrected early morning of the chief sabbath, Saturday. 

Why chief sabbath? 

Because in that paschal week, there was a ceremonial sabbath and the weekly sabbath. The ceremonial sabbath is referred to by the Lord as "your sabbath"; the weekly sabbath is referred to by the Lord as "the sabbath of the Lord thy God". Between "your sabbath" and "the sabbath of the Lord thy God", the chief is undoubtedly "the sabbath of the Lord thy God" which is the weekly sabbath, Saturday.

The genitive "sabbatou" was so translated to refer instead to "week" to perhaps give a semblance of Scriptural authority to Sunday-keeping by translators who were themselves Sunday-keepers.



You are a clever opportunist!

You claim for yourself of two worlds the worst to breed your own hybrid dionaea muscipula. 

You REJECT the best of virtually all real scholarship, and tousle all Grammar and Syntax, to MIS-‘translate’ “early on the First Day of the week” from ‘prohï prohtehi sabbatou’ into your foul smelling fly-catcher, <<early morning of the chief sabbath, Saturday>> . 

And DESPISING the best of virtually all real scholarship, you—being totally ignorant in Greek Grammar, Syntax, Etymology and Idiom—DEFRAUD “Now when He was risen Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene” from ‘anastas de ephaneh’, mutating it into your murderous stink-flower, <<Having risen, Jesus resurrected>>.

What a cauldron of pathos, irony and tragedy, ‘The Rise to Fame of the Free-Fallers’, a Play by Samie of the ‘Official Twisters’ Club’. 

It reminds me of …


Originally Posted By: Ron Amnsn

The New Testament tells us that after Jesus' resurrection he appeared to Galileans and that they became his witnesses. (Acts 13:31)

It was three and a halve years after Jesus' Resurrection. 

It reminds me of 'translation' of Mark 16:9.

For sure it happened <<after Jesus' resurrection [that] he appeared to Galileans and that they became his witnesses>>.

Yes ja sure .... So it was after his resurrection that He appeared to Mary Magdalene on the First Day of the week. 

Yes ja sure .... So it must be that after his resurrection on the First Day of the week He appeared to Mary Magdalene ... 


For certain, NOT! 

'translation'? No! : 'transgression' yes!

Jesus the Crucified ROSE FROM THE DEAD and realm of the dead, the GRAVE, "WHEN suddenly there was a great earthquake and the angel / announcer / messenger / servant of the Lord from heaven descending by the brightness of his appearance cast the stone away from the grave", and "SABBATH'S" duty DONE: "SAT DOWN ON IT"--THEN: "Behold, THE SON OF THE KING!". 

"The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble! He sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved!" Psalm 99:1



Matthew 28:2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

The verse above says there was an earthquake because

the angel of the Lord descended from heaven. You are saying

there was an earthquake because the Lord rose from the dead.

When Mark said Jesus rose on "proi prote sabbatou" = "early morning of the chief sabbath", you say He didn't.

The Bible says He rose early Saturday morning, you are saying He rose late Sabbath afternoon.




I like it!

The more the better for me and worse for you!

Come on, MORE!!

Re: <<<The verse above says there was an earthquake because the angel of the Lord descended from heaven.>>>


‘kai idou seismos egeneto megas’ – “Behold, there was a great earthquake.”

The earthquake happened simultaneous with the descent of the angel as though “descending, the angel” caused the earthquake, ‘seismos egeneto angelos katabas’—Adverbial Participle. Which no one negates. 

Just as true is it that “because of the angel descending, he cast the stone away”—‘angelos gar katabas apekulisen ton lithon’. Again which no one negates.

That does not take anything away from the earthquake as an event that occurred independently, caused by the Creator God. “An earthquake OCCURRED.”— Punctiliar Constative Aorist Indicative. 

TWO events marked the moment of Jesus’ Resurrection, BOTH “OF THE LORD”, the earthquake and the angel’s descent. The power of the angel’s descent as such had NO POWER in itself of its own. GOD supreme and sovereign CAUSE “WROUGHT WHEN HE RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD”—“RAISED CHRIST BY THE GLORY OF THE FATHER!” 

TWO events marked the moment of Jesus’ Resurrection; none of them CAUSED Jesus’ resurrection. Both were MEANINGLESS in themselves. So I am saying there was an earthquake <<because the Lord rose from the dead>>. CORRECT! For no other reason! By no other cause! To the glory and honour of none other than God AND JESUS' RESURRECTION from the dead! 



No Bible verse confirms what you are saying. There was an earthquake, yes. But was that when the Lord resurrected? No Bible verse confirms what you are saying, brother. The Lord resurrected early Saturday morning, not late Saturday afternoon.



Re: <<<When Mark said Jesus rose on "proi prote sabbatou" = "early morning of the chief sabbath", you say He didn't.>>>

Mark does not say Jesus <<rose>>.

Mark does not say <<"proi prote sabbatou" = "early morning of the chief sabbath">>—, you say it.

Mark says, ‘anastas’— “He, RISEN / ALIVE / RESURRECTED, early on the First Day, first appeared to Mary.” In fact, Mark says of “Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified, WHO WAS RAISED”—‘ehgertheh’, that “He, RISEN / ALIVE / RESURRECTED, early on the First Day, first appeared to Mary Magdalene.”

Mark tells “the ALREADY RISEN Jesus APPEARED early on the First day of the week to Mary Magdalene.”

The VERB—the Predicate—the Do-word of the SENTENCE is “appeared”; not, <<rose>>.

<<Rose>> is a Lie-Word. <<Rose>> is Samie’s DENIAL of God’s, Word. 



What document can you show that proves the genitive "sabbatou" is "of the week" instead of "of the sabbath"?

I have one,and VERY reliable and authoritative: the Septuagint. A work of Hebrew scholars who speak both Hebrew and Koine Greek, the language in Jesus' time.

What's yours?



The Genitive, "sabbatou", is, "of the sabbath" --- instead of, "of the week".


Who -- ever-- said different?

WHAT are we talking of, here?

... of a NON-ISSUE! 

... of an IRRELEVANT, non-issue!

That I shall answer, Samie, is not to answer you. I have finished with you. 

I answer for myself in the first place, that “I may know Him and the power of his Resurrection”. 

And I answer that my answer--I pray--may be an answer for the sake of others desiring to also know more of Christ and want to give reason for the faith that in them is.

Herewith already, I have answered enough and believe others might find I have answered enough as well. 

Thank God there are those who are ever learning and ever do come to a deeper knowledge of Christ. 

Consult, ‘Out of the Deep “In Afternoon”’, http://www.biblestudents.co.za/docs/html/Out%20of%20the%20deep%20in%20the%20afternoon.htm

Appendix to p. 76-78, Out of the Deep “In Afternoon”

In Part Four, Paul, I quoted Jonathan Edwards, p. 197f,
“The resurrection of Christ from the dead, is in Scripture represented by his coming up out of deep waters. So it is in Christ’s resurrection, as represented by Jonah’s coming out of the sea; Matt. xii. 40. It is also compared to a deliverance out of deep waters, Psalm lxix, 1, 2, 3, and verse 14, 15. These things are spoken of Christ, as is evident from this, that many things in this Psalm are in the New Testament expressly applied to Christ, (Compare verse 4 with John xv. 25. and ver. 9. with John ii. 17. and ver.2 with Matt xxvii. 34, 48. and Mark xv. 23. and John xix. 29. and ver. 2 with Rom.xi.9, 10, and ver.25 with Acts 1:20.) – Therefore, as the Jewish Sabbath was appointed on the day on which the pillar of cloud and fire rose out of the Red sea, and on which Moses and the church, the mystical body of Christ, came up out of the same sea, which is a type of the resurrection of Christ; it is a great confirmation that the Christian Sabbath should be kept on the day of the rising of the real body of Christ from the grave, which is the anti-type. For surely the Scriptures have taught us, that the type should give way to the anti-type, and that the shadow should give way to the substance.”

Christ was that Substance, and the Sabbath pointed to Him that Substance and awaited Him for the fulfilment of its substance – not the First Day of the week or of its substance.

On p. 300f there, I have said,
Seeing it cannot be denied the day of the entering into God’s Rest is the Day of the Sabbath, one further objection must be considered. It is the problem of the time of Jesus’ entering into Rest through Resurrection from the dead. As says Edwards, “… that the shadow should give way to the substance.”
First, let it be observed the moment creates the Day, not the day the moment. We talk of “Resurrection Day”, not of Resurrection Morning” or whatever portion of the day. The Event – Resurrection – makes of it the Day-of-Resurrection. Thus Edwards also sees things. Says he, “But the day that the children of Israel were delivered from their task-masters and had rest from them, was the day when the children of Israel came up out of the Red sea. They had no rest from them till then. For though they were before come forth on their journey to go out of the land of Egypt; yet they were pursued by the Egyptians, and were exceedingly perplexed and distressed.” Edwards immediately goes on, speaking of this “day”, as the “morning”: “But on the morning that they came up out of the Red sea, they had complete and fina1 deliverance; then they had full rest from their task-masters.” Again he immediately continues, “Then God said to them, "The Egyptians which ye have seen this day, ye shall see no more for ever ;" Exod. xiv, 13. Then they enjoyed a joyful day of rest, a day of refreshment. Then they sang the song of Moses ; and on that day was their Sabbath of rest.” “They enjoyed a joyful day of rest”, says Edwards, but half of it they spent in crossing the deep!

“This coming up of the children of Israel out of the Red sea, was only a type of the resurrection of Christ. … On that morning Christ, in this pillar of cloud and fire, rose out of the Red sea, as out of great waters; which was a type of Christ’s rising from a state of death, and from that great humiliation which he suffered in death.” But Edwards in the next paragraph describes this “morning” as follows, “Therefore, as the Jewish Sabbath was appointed on the day on which the pillar of cloud and fire rose out of the Red sea, and on which Moses and the church, the mystical body of Christ, came up out of the same sea, which is a type of the resurrection of Christ”.

“It is a great confirmation that the Christian Sabbath should be kept on the day of the rising of the real body of Christ from the grave, which is the antitype. For surely the Scriptures have taught us, that the type should give way to the antitype, and that the shadow should give way to the substance.”

I then asked:

Is there any necessity in the morning or the afternoon in this scheme of things?

And I answered at that point in time:

Of course not; it necessitates the whole day! The event is

much greater than the moment or even the whole day belonging to the moment. We may fairly conclude from this that Edwards makes no clear distinction between the morning and the day of the Israelites’ crossing of the Red Sea. But we do sense he reckons the morning of particular importance in Jesus’ resurrection: As he supposes this was the day of both the Israelites’ entering into the promised land and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, it also must be the morning of both the Israelites’ entering into the promised land and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Now if Jesus rose the morning, it must have been the First Day He rose on; if He rose the afternoon, it, according to the Gospels’ account of events, must have been the Sabbath He rose on. And mortal reason might say, because it was the morning in the type, it also had to be the morning in the anti-type. But just the opposite is necessarily so. Because in the type, it had been the morning, it, in the anti-type, had to be in the afternoon. The type, in early times, fore-shadowed; the anti-type, “in the last days”, fulfilled. Christ came “in the fullness of time”, in its ripeness as being the Fruit of God’s labours, the First Sheaf of late-year harvest. The precise word for such a time-slot of day is epi-fohs-k-ousehi – in-full / after-light / time-being = “afternoon” = “Sabbath’s-time late” – opse sabbatohn! 

After several years I have had a closer look at these texts, and now must answer differently on the question of what the word “morning” in these texts mean.

I don’t know Hebrew at all, but with the help of Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, was able to make the following analysis of some relevant words.

“13, And Moses said to the people, Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will show you today … 21, And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and dried up the sea, and the waters were divided. 22, And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea …19, And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel,, removed and went behind them. And the pillar of the cloud went from in front of them, and stood behind them. 20, And it came between the camp (or armies) of the Egyptians and the camp (or hosts) of Israel. And it was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians; but it gave light by night to the Israelites: so that the one came not near the other all that night.
23, and the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them … 24, And it happened that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians … and troubled the host of the Egyptians – 25, they lost the wheels of their chariots, and they moved with difficulty, so that the Egyptians said, Let us run away of Israel, out of sight! For the LORD fought for Israel against the Egyptians. 26, Then the LORD told Moses, Stretch out your hand over the sea that the waters may close in over the Egyptians, over their chariots and over their horsemen. 27, And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fought against the waters; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the middle of the sea … 28 … There remained not so much as one of them, 29, but the children of Israel walked on dry ground right through the middle of the sea – to them the waters formed a wall on both sides.
30, Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians (lying) dead on the seashore (that day).

“That night” / “all that night” the storm raged! “That night” / “all that night”, the LORD was fighting for Israel. It wasn’t done before sunrise. Dawn could not have been when Israel actually stood on the other side, free, and the enemy at last vanquished. It had to have been after “all that night”.

I therefore have a problem with the KJV that says “when the morning appeared” (27), “Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength” and everything was over, because “when the morning appeared”, is

“dawn” before “all that night” had passed.

“When the morning appeared” is from boqer pahnah. When the “morning” – boqer, “appears” or ‘rises’, it ‘faces’ west. But ‘noon’, it has “turned”, pahnah, and now ‘faces’, east! Ezekiel 43:17, “The stairs of the sanctuary “faced”, or were “turned”, east” – pahnah.

In Ex.14:27, boqer pahnah doesn’t mean “morning appeared” or that it ‘dawned’, but that “the sun turned (and looked east)” – “noon after”.

In Jeremia 2:27 the Lord reprimands his people, blaming them that “they have turned their back on Me” – “turned”, pahnah. The morning having turned its ‘back’ to its rising, is declining!

Jeremia 6:4 says it all: “Prepare ye war against her; arise, and let us go up at noon (tsohar). Woe unto us! For the day (yom) goeth away, for the shadows of the evening (ereb) are stretched out.” Which word here is from pahnah? – “goeth away”!

In Exodus 14:27 “morning appeared” not; it ‘went away’!

What about Exodus 14:24 though? There it says “It came to pass that in the morning watch”, the LORD saw the Egyptians … struggled to get their chariots rolling. If this had been “dawn”, then it simply says by dawn all was not over yet – the battle still raged; the “rest” had not been “entered” yet.
“In the morning watch” is from boqer ashmurah.

Lamentations 2:18-19, “Let tears run down like a river day and night: give yourself no rest … cry out in the night: In the beginning / first – rosh, of watches – ashmurah (first watch after sunset), pour out thine heart…”.

Judges 7:19, “Gideon came … outside the camp in the beginning of the middle (tikon) watch – ashmurah, and they had but newly changed guard.” This is the second and deep night watch.

Psalm 90:4, “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as

yesterday when it is past; and as a watch – ashmurah, in the night (layelah) (when it is past)”. The last or third watch of night – of dawn – is supposed.

The Hebrew night watches were three; the Roman night watches were four. The Hebrews’ watches of daytime, like the Romans’, were two:

1 Samuel 11:11, “And it was so in the morning (boqer) that Saul put the people in three companies. And they came into the midst of the host in the morning (boqer) watch (ashmurah), and slew the Ammonites until the heat (chom) of the day (yom) (= noon)” – the exact words of Ex.14:24!
The second or afternoon watch, after this, then lasted till sunset.

So in Ex.14:27 we have boqer pahnah, and in verse 24, boqer ashmurah. If the time were the same they would have been called the same; but they are called differently and in fact were of different events.

God had told the Israelites to be quiet and wait for Him while “all night” the wind would blow the seabed dry.
Boqer ashmurah in verse 24 started after the wind had blown “all night” and lasted “during the morning watch” or first watch of daytime. Now the children of Israel moved in and through and out of the sea canyon. Boqer ashmurah was while the LORD fought His battle with the hosts of the Egyptians on the seabed.

Now, after the LORD’s battle, He ordered Moses so that the sea should close in again. Boqer pahnah in verse 27 was when the LORD triumphed. Boqer pahnah says “morning has turned” – it ended. All history has turned about. This was the moment! Victory, and the song of Moses! The People in broad daylight “saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians” – verse 31. The People “have entered the rest” (in the words of Hebrews); they stood on the soil of the Promised Land.

The Exodus story gives the precise and same time of day

for the moment of “Victory” that the Gospels give— ‘epifohskousehi’!

To remove a last obstacle to the better understanding of the events of the Exodus and their times of day, return to chapter 14 and read the text in its actual order, and not with verses 19 and 20 moved in between verses 22 and 23 as I did. With verses 19 and 20 between verses 22 and 23, I made the time of day when the pillar of cloud and fire changed position from in front of Israel to behind Israel, the “morning watch”, that is, after sunrise. In its actual sequence, this event took place after the Sabbath had started – after sunset and as soon as the night and the wind storm had begun. And thus it remained “all that night” – “the pillar of cloud and fire” “came between the (stationary) camp” – not the chasing army – “of the Egyptians, and the (stationary) camp” – not the moving hosts – “of Israel”. “All that night” the wind blew and dried up the seabed – verse 21. Then only, “The children of Israel went into the midst of the sea … and the Egyptians pursued – verses 22 and 23. Here is where the “morning watch” – boqer ashmurah, started. It ended with verse 27, “morning turned (towards the east)” – with the ending of the morning. It was noon or soon after noon. It was “late Sabbath’s” – about three quarters through its cycle.

Is there any necessity in the morning or the afternoon in this scheme of things?

I at this point in time must answer:

Of course THERE IS; it necessitates the whole day – “THE Sabbath of the LORD your God”, so that “In the end of the Sabbath, being light turned towards the First Day of the week … there suddenly was a great earthquake …!”

I think one may confidently view boqer pahnah as the nearest Hebrew equivalent of the Greek epifohskousehi – “after noon”; and boqer ashmurah as the nearest Hebrew equivalent of the Greek epaurion “daylight morning”.

‘The Law prescribed’ with no ambiguity, “when the

lamb must be eaten”, just as it ‘prescribed’ with no ambiguity, “when it must be killed”: 

“When it must be killed”: 

“In the fourteenth day of the First Month at even .... Ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation shall kill it in the evening.” (Lv23:5 and Ex12:6) “At even” and “in the evening” are Old English for “afternoon” – confirmed through Christ the Passover Lamb of God who died ‘afternoon’, “the ninth hour” Jewish time, 3 p.m. “Sacrifice the passover at even at the going down of the sun”, Dt16:6. 

Mark the utmost significant words, “Sacrifice the passover at even at the going down of the sun, at the season (or ‘time’) that thou camest forth out of Egypt.” Israel came to stand on the away-shore of the Red Sea “forth out of Egypt”, “midst of the afternoon”! See study, ‘Out on the 15th and In on the 16th Nisan’, book 1/1 p 52, or article, ‘Out of the deep in the afternoon.doc’.

(See book 1/1 p 52, ‘Out on the 15th and In on the 16th Nisan’.) 


"I deliver unto you WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT which I also received—

How that Christ :
“DIED for our sins …
“according to the SCRIPTURES ... 
"the very first day ye shall REMOVE leaven [of life] …
"ye shall CUT / REAP the corners of the land …
“BRING First Sheaf … 
"ye shall KILL the passover … 
“on the fourteenth day of the First Month”;

"How that Christ :
“was BURIED ... 
“according to the SCRIPTURES ... 
"seven days unleavened bread ye shall EAT … 
"that which remain …
“the next day ye shall burn with fire … 
“the fifteenth day of the First Month”;

"How that Christ :
“ROSE again 
“according to the SCRIPTURES …
“on the sixteenth day of the First Month”.



A note to clarify the time of Jesus' death and His resurrection:
1. Christ died on the cross on Thursday about the ninth hour, just before the Preparation Day (Friday) was ushered in at sundown on Thursday. Read John 19:30 and 31.
2. At the time of His death on the cross, 'the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.' Matthew 27:51, also verse 54, which speaks of the quake.
3. Since the Preparation Day is on Friday, Christ remained in the sepulchre on that day. Also, see Luke 23:52-56.
4. He 'rested in the grave' on the Sabbath 'from all of His work'.
5. At sundown on Sabbath, the first day of the week was ushered in. According to Matthew 28:1, 'as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week....', Mary and another Mary went to the see the sepulchre.
6. At that time, there was a great earthquake, 'for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven.....and rolled back the stone from the door.'

In summation, the Bible tells us that Christ died on the cross just before the 'Preparation Day' (Friday) arrived, at which time an earthquake occurred. He remained in the grave Friday and Sabbath until sundown on Sabbath, which ushered in the first day of the week. Then, according to scripture, as the dawn approached, there was another earthquake as He exited the sepulchre, having been resurrected.

This is what the Bible tells us!



<<<Christ died on the cross on Thursday about the ninth hour, just before the Preparation Day (Friday) was ushered in at sundown on Thursday. Read John 19:30 and 31.>>>

Yes, <Christ died on the cross on Thursday>.

Now why do you say, <<<_about_ the ninth hour>>> if the Gospels say it was, “the ninth hour”? 

Here is why you did this: <<<… the Preparation Day (Friday) was ushered in at sundown on Thursday>>>.

Now that is not what “the ninth hour” means. 

“The ninth hour” was the ninth hour of the “twelve hours” every day consists of in nature as in the Scriptures. 

“The ninth hour” is THREE HOURS BEFORE <<the Preparation Day (Friday) was ushered in at sundown on Thursday>>. 

Reading John 19:30 and 31, one reads about what happened NOT ON <Thursday> the Fifth Day of the week; one reads about what happened AFTER <<the Preparation Day (Friday) was ushered in at sundown>>, AFTER <<Thursday>>; not <<on Thursday>>. 

One, reading John 19:31 right through until and including verse 40, reads about what happened AFTER <<the Preparation Day (Friday)>>, HAD been <<ushered in at sundown>>. 

One reads in John 19:31 to 40, of what happened in the “evening” of the Preparation in its “night”, Mark 15:42 Matthew 27:57 John 19:39.



At the time of His death on the cross, 'the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.' Matthew 27:51, also verse 54, which speaks of the quake.



Yes, an earthquake as token of “the first day” of the “three days” marked Jesus’ death — as a token of his Resurrection “on the third day” afterwards. 

The earthquake was just as UNNATURAL occurrence as was the darkness between the sixth and the ninth hour of the day Jesus died. 

The earthquake on the day on which Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD is called a “GREAT earthquake” --- because “when God RAISED Christ from the dead”, it was “by the ALL-EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER WHICH HE WORKED” --- the very most powerful of “all the works of God” “which He WORKED” and whereby and wherein and wherewith : “GOD RESTED” AND CHRIST “ENTERED INTO HIS OWN REST AS GOD IN HIS OWN”.





3. Since the Preparation Day is on Friday, Christ

remained in the sepulchre on that day. Also, see Luke 23:52-56.



Yes in fact, <<see Luke 23:52-56>> specifically verses 54 to 56!!

But verses 54 to 56 tell only from “mid-afternoon on the Preparation while the Sabbath drew near”---its last three hours. 

What happened in Luke 23:50 to 53 are told exactly in greater detail in Mark 15:42 to 46a,b; Matthew 27:57 to 59; John 19:31,38 to 40 “after these things” which had happened “when already it had become evening” and after in “the first night” of unleavened bread eaten until daylight and Joseph and Nicodemus had finished their preparation of Jesus’ body and had ended their vigil and “proceeded to the tomb”, the two Marys “following behind”, to “mid-afternoon” had the body “laid there by the time of the Jews’ preparations to start” John 19:41-42. 

So since the Preparation Day (‘Friday’) “mid-afternoon” 3 p.m., Christ remained in the sepulchre on that day for three hours, and on the Sabbath for another 21 hours until “mid-afternoon” 3 p.m., “there occurred a great earthquake and CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD “BY THE GLORY OF THE FATHER”.



At sundown on Sabbath, the first day of the week was ushered in. According to Matthew 28:1, 'as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week....', Mary and another Mary went to the see the sepulchre. 

6. At that time, there was a great earthquake, 'for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven.....and rolled back the stone from the door.'



Sundown after Sabbath, the First Day of the week had

had started already and was it “after the Sabbath” = “when the Sabbath had gone through / passed”, Mark 16:1. 

But according to Matthew 28:1, three hours BEFORE, “LATE ON THE SABBATH MID-AFTERNOON as it began to dawn toward the First Day of the week, Mary and the other Mary went to the see the sepulchre AND THERE SUDDENLY WAS A GREAT EARTHQUAKE” … and Jesus ROSE from the dead. 

Bert, Jesus was crucified and died the day BEFORE He was buried. 

It took Joseph, Nicodemus and the two Marys (in the end), “THE WHOLE-DAY BONE-DAY” of the fifteenth day of the First Month the day AFTER “the first day they had to KILL the passover”, to BURY Jesus “to the Ethical Law of the Jews to bury” : the Torah.



In summation, the Bible tells us that Christ died on the cross just before the 'Preparation Day' (Friday) arrived, at which time an earthquake occurred. He remained in the grave Friday and Sabbath until sundown on Sabbath, which ushered in the first day of the week. Then, according to scripture, as the dawn approached, there was another earthquake as He exited the sepulchre, having been resurrected.

This is what the Bible tells us!



<<<just before the 'Preparation Day' (Friday) arrived>>> is NOT <<what the Bible tells us>>.

You now should understand that it was THREE HOURS before the 'Preparation Day' (Friday) would have begun sundown. 

You also by now must know that Jesus’ body was laid in

the grave Friday three hours before Sabbath and remained in the grave until three hours before sundown after the Sabbath, three hours before the First Day of the week would begin when the sun had set. 

According to Scripture then, “as it began to dawn towards the First Day of the week”, literally “Late on the Sabbath being in the mid-inclining daylight of the Sabbath” and the First Day was drawing near, there was a great earthquake” as Christ INSIDE THE GRAVE RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD and <<exited the sepulchre, having been resurrected>>. 

That is good yes, that is how the Scriptures tell us it happened really. 















































Jesus arose from the tomb on the First Day of the week?

by Christiaan Gerhardus Ebersöhn





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